Top Links
- Updating Visual Studio 2017 Release Candidate (John Montgomery)
- New Updates to Web Tools in Visual Studio 2017 RC (Daniel Roth)
- Updating Visual Studio 2017 RC – .NET Core Tooling improvements (Joe Morris)
- Docker for Azure Public Beta (Michael Friis)
Web Development
- Retrieving Raw JSON Data in Web API with Marten (Jason Roberts)
- Indexed Search Filter Using ASP.NET MVC, jQuery and Ajax Requests (Arthur V. Ratz)
- CSS Shorthand Syntax Considered an Anti-Pattern (Chris Coyier)
- Add Yap to Your App with Bot Framework (Cody Beyer)
- Containers – Cleanup your house revisited (Gabriel Schenker)
- TypeORM – Data-Mapper ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). (Umed Khudoiberdiev)
- Announcing new Google Cloud Client Libraries for four key services (Omar Ayoub)
- AWS Managed Services – Infrastructure Operations Management for the Enterprise (Jeff Barr)
- Determine If A Number Is Prime Using The Go Programming Language (Nic Raboy)
- How to use Azure Function App to crush an SQL Database on a schedule (Frank Boucher)
- Netflix Conductor : A microservices orchestrator (Viren Baraiya)
- How to group records in a WPF ListView control? (Kunal Chowdhury)
- How to shutdown a Windows 10 IoT Core device from a UWP app (Marco Minerva)
Miscellaneous .NET
- December Update for the Visual Studio Code C/C++ extension (Ankit Asthana)
- Two Hot Visual Studio Extensions, Hot Keys and Hot Commands (Greg Duncan)
- The Visual Studio Modeling SDK is now available with Visual Studio 2017 (Jean-Marc Prieur)
- The new connected extension installation experience in TFS 2017 (Matteo Emili)
- C++ for C# developers – returning values is not so easy (Michał Komorowski)
- Leverage Joins in Entity Framework To Get Just the Data You Want (Peter Vogel)
- Dealing with Duplication in MediatR Handlers (Jimmy Bogard)
- Orleans and Midori (Sergey Bykov)
- Scripting in F# using Fake and Paket (Pierre-Luc Maheu)
Design / Methodology / Testing
- How to recreate the TFVC team project folder (Matt Cooper)
- The 5 D’s of creating software (Dror Helper)
- #Ebook Deal/Day: Professional Git – $24.99 (Save 50%) Use code DEAL (O’Reilly Media)
- Resolve simple merge conflicts on GitHub (Scott J. Goldman)
- AssemblyInitialize, AssemblyCleanup and sharing state between test classes (Jeff Yates)
Other Mobile Platforms
- Troubleshooting Connecting to Xamarin Mac Agent (Adam Pedley)
- Enable iOS 10 Speech Recognition in NativeScript Apps (George Saadeh)
- Create an iOS App With Swift 3: Variables, Constants, and Optionals (Markus Mühlberger)
- AlexaDev Tuesday: Alexa Skill Prototyping With Sayspring (April Hamilton)
Podcasts / Screencasts / Videos
- MS Dev Show – Windows Visual Layer with James Clarke (Jason Young & Carl Schweitzer)
- .NET Rocks! – Containers Panel at DevIntersection Europe (Carl Franklin & Richard Campbell)
- Announcing Dev Days Live Virtual Event | Xamarin Dev Days Live (Seth Juarez & James Montemagno)
- InfoQ Podcast: Why Agile Works (Michael de la Maza, David Benz)
- AAWP Insight #201: Steve Litchfield – Origins part 2 (Rafe Blandford)
- Defrag Tools #171 – Application Insights Profiler | Defrag Tools (Andrew Richards, dantaylo, Chad Beeder & Chuck Weininger)
- The Married Gamers Presents Episode 405: Not That Kind of Doctor (Chris Brown)
- Coding Blocks Episode 51 – Clean Code – Objects vs Data Structures (Joe Zack)
- Merge Conflict 23: ORM or Bust (Frank Krueger & James Montemagno)
- Functional Geekery Episode 78 – ‘Ley Missailidis (Steven Proctor)
- Revision Path 170: Qa’id Jacobs (Part 1 of 2) (Maurice Cherry)
- Partially Derivative Podcast – White House Special with DJ Patil, US Chief Data Scientist (Jonathon Morgan, Vidya Spandana & Chris Albon)
- An Inside Look at Stack Overflow (Seth Juarez)
- Developer Tea – Lessons From The Lab (Jonathan Cutrell)
Community / Events
- Meet the OzCode team – Mendi Bronfman (Dror Helper)
- 18+ Terrific Things To Do In Philly This Week, December 12-18 (Jillian Wilson)
- Using a SQL Server Explain Plan to View Cached Query Plan Parameters in Management Studio (Ben Snaidero)
- Creating a Spark dataframe containing only one column (Jamie Thomson)
- SQL Server DBA Tips that Can Save Your Ass (Nelly Ben-Tal)
- Use a CrossJoin to Calculate Multiple Pearson Correlation Coefficients in T-SQL (Dallas Snider)
- ORM-Less Data Storage with Document Databases and Marten (Jason Roberts)
- Moving from MongoDB to Couchbase server (revisited) (Matthew Groves)
- Downloading Plain-Text Wikipedia (Lee Holmes)
- Microsoft to bring Cortana to IoT devices with screens in 2017 (Mary Jo Foley)
- 4.0.13 is now available (Rick Brewster)
More Link Collections
- The Morning Brew #2242 (Chris Alcock)
- Double Shot #1783 (Mike Gunderloy)
- Interesting links of the week (12/05 – 12/11) (Mike Eaton)
- Reading Notes #260 (Frank Boucher)
- The Daily Six Pack: December 13, 2016 (Dirk Strauss)
- Top Ten Most Popular Developer Links for the Week of December 5, 2016 (Dmitry Lyalin)
The Geek Shelf
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