Top Links
- Build your first WinUI 3 app (Part 1) and Adding event handlers: Sounds, Dark Mode & Windowing (Part 2) and Making the app single-instanced (Part 3) (Jingwei Zhang)
- Windows Template Studio – reborn! (Matt Lacey)
- LINQ improvements in .NET 6 (Bruno Sonnino)
- Azure DevOps requires TLS 1.2 on all connections including Visual Studio (Ruben Rios)
- Power Apps and the .NET Developer (Matthew Soucoup)
Web & Cloud Development
- Containerless! How to Run WebAssembly Workloads on Kubernetes with Rust (Deepu K. Sasidharan)
- Using Azure AD Authentication for a Go API (Jonathan Channon)
- Dynamically Creating Script Tags With Umbrella JS (Ben Nadel)
- How to Create an Instant Search Input with Debounce in React.js (Anderson Osayerie)
- Code-Splitting: Get a Better Performance When Developing With React (Chinedu Imoh)
- Implement a PWA using Blazor with BFF security and Azure B2C (Damien Bowden)
- Use ASP.NET Core hosted services to run a background task (David Grace)
- Security and web apps (Julian M. Bucknall)
- Dockerize your own Game of Thrones’ API (Lorenzo Costa)
- 2 reasons I’m learning about CSS (Matt Lacey)
- Chaos Monkey – Part 4 – Creating an Asp.Net 6 Application that Caches an Error (Paul Michaels)
- APIs that Simplify How Teams Work with Document Management Systems (Joyce)
- ESLint v8.8.0 released (Milos Djermanovic)
- FHIR Forms: Theory and background (David Hay)
- Easy Asset Access with the Cloudinary Media Library Browser Extension (David Walsh)
- Install Bicep and get up and running and Learn Bicep Step by Step (Gregor Suttie)
- What Web Frameworks Solve And How To Do Without Them (Part 1) (Noam Rosenthal)
- Adding Custom Claims to ID Tokens with Auth0 Actions (Jessica Temporal)
- Develop webhooks locally using Cloudflared Tunnel (Niels Swimberghe)
- How to install Hugo on Windows 10 (Sarah Lean)
- Ordering elements with ZIndex in .NET MAUI (Andreas Nesheim)
- Updates in .NET MAUI – Summary 2021 (Luis Matos)
- Uber Clone App using State Machine in Xamarin Forms (Rendy Del Rosario)
Visual Studio & .NET
- Top ‘On Roadmap’ Feature Request for Visual Studio 2022: Roll Back Updates (David Ramel)
- Temporal Tables with EF Core 6 (Christian Nagel)
- How to Copy Array Elements to New Array in C# (Code Maze)
- Everything You Want to Know About the Record Type in .NET: Performance (Bruno Capuano)
- Better Exception Handling With EntityFrameworkCore Exceptions (Wade Gausden)
Design, Methodology & Testing
- Proven Ways To Future Proof Your Teams, Tools, And Organization (Britt Joiner)
- A Look Inside the .git Folder (Eric Potter)
- Calm the chaos with Microsoft To Do & Viva Briefing email (Ayeshni Dasgupta)
- Creative Process Lessons from ‘Get Back’ (Brad Frost)
- Hybrid work and the year ahead (Cyril Belikoff)
- Secure Cloud Deployments with GitHub (Daniel Krzyczkowski)
- Mistakes First Time Leaders Make (George Stocker)
- Optimize Pull Requests in Travis CI (Montana Mendy)
- How to not get lost structuring your first Foundational Research (Nikita Chandawale)
- Keep your workflow actions up to date using GitHub Dependabot (Utkarsh Shigihalli)
- How to Get Started With UX Research (Nancy Young)
Mobile, IoT & Game Development
- Flutter Architecture
(Gülsen )
- Android Multi-Phone Debugging (j2inet)
- Alexa.NET 1.20.0 was just released! (Tim Heuer)
- Improving App Performance with Baseline Profiles (Kateryna Semenova, Rahul Ravikumar & Chris Craik)
- Mobile game development best practices (Bogdan Sandu)
- Programmers Explore the Secrets of Wordle (David Cassel)
- Finding the Floor with HoloLens 2 and MRTK 2.7.3 and Removing the ‘hiccup’ from repeating Unity animations (Joost van Schaik)
Podcasts, Screencasts & Videos
- OnPodcast Special: Chatting all things Microsoft with Mary Jo Foley (Arif Bacchus)
- Technology & Friends – Jeff Blankenburg on AI Assistants in the Future (David Giard)
- Merge Conflict 291: GitHub Actions All The Things (James Montemagno & Frank Kreuger)
- GeekWire Podcast: Data journalist Sherrell Dorsey on her new book, ‘Upper Hand: The Future of Work for the Rest of Us’ (Todd Bishop)
- JS Party – What’s in your package.json? (Tobie Langel, Amal Hussein, Feross Aboukhadijeh & Christopher Hiller)
- New Video: Coding Making Sense of reactive() and ref() in Vue.js (Shawn Wildermuth)
- This VS Code Trick Helps You Find Your Projects 10x Faster! (Gerald Versluis)
- InfoQ Podcast: Evidence Based Management with (Patricia Kong)
- AGL 245: Alex Murrey from TangoTeams (John Rouda)
- Coding Blocks Podcast – PagerDuty’s Security Training for Engineers, The Dramatic Conclusion (Allen Underwood, Michael Outlaw & Joe Zack)
- The Amp Hour #575 – New Life Skills with Joe Grand (Dave Jones & Chris Gammell)
- FreeCodeSession – Episode 337 and Upgrading a WinForms App to .NET 6, Part 2 (Jason Bock)
- DevOps.FM – The One Where We Talk Planning (Brian Randell)
- Jeffrey Palermo on Software Careers – Azure DevOps Podcast Episode 178 (Jeffrey Palermo)
- The Download: Rancher Desktop 1.0, New Git Features, and TUI Toolkits (Christina Warren)
- Getting Started with Deno & MongoDB (Jesse Hall)
Community & Events
- Learn How Stacey-Ann Duhaney Leveled-Up Her Project Management Career Through the Tech Project Management Boot Camp (bwintersgullo)
- Marketplace Office Hours (Business and Technical)- Register Now for February Sessions (Microsoft Developer Support)
- My Journey at Microsoft: The First Three Months (Richard Hay)
- Meet a recent Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador graduate: Gino Messmer (MS Student Developer Team)
- Only the great die at 11 (RIP Stack Overflow Jobs) (Tom Wright)
- Comparison of the VARCHAR(max) and VARCHAR(n) SQL Server Data Types (Daniel Farina)
- Varchar Data Types in SQL Server, Oracle and PostgreSQL (Andrea Gnemmi)
SharePoint & MS Teams
- The overhead of Widgets and Teams in Windows 11 (Michael Niehaus)
- What’s New in Microsoft Teams | January 2022 (Microsoft Teams Team)
- Enable CLI Completion in PowerShell using Bash Completions (Cody Merritt Anhorn)
- Looking at Writing Book Blurbs and How that can Help Conference Speakers (Chris Woodruff)
- O’Reilly Reports Increasing Interest in Cybersecurity, AI, Go, Rust, and C++ (EditorDavid)
- Generating Content Ideas That Will Resonate With Software Developers (Karl Hughes)
- Windows 11 Gets a New Feature a Bit Early: Microsoft Account Management (Paul Thurrott)
More Link Collections
- The Morning Brew #3400 (Chris Alcock)
- C# Digest Issue #400 (Jakub Chodounsky)
- F# Weekly #5, 2022 – F# and WebAssembly, F# Show (Sergey Tihon)
- Today’s Readings (Aaron T. Grogg)
- The Wolf Report – January 31st, 2022 (Michael Wolfenden)
- The Overflow #110: The Log4j vulnerability by the numbers (Ryan Donovan & Cassidy Williams)
- Friday Five: Dev Productivity, MVP History, More! (Jeffrey Raymond Kitt)
The Geek Shelf
Customizing ASP.NET Core 6.0: Learn to turn the right screws to optimize ASP.NET Core applications for better performance, 2nd Ed (Jürgen Gutsch) – Referral Link