Where You Can Find Me at PDC 2008

UPDATED: 10/24 @ 12:50PM – Added specific times when I can be found at the DZone booth.

I’ll be arriving in Los Angeles for PDC08 in two days. Be sure to catch my daily PDC articles on DZone’s .NET Zone next week! On a related note, if you’re a .NET blogger, and you’re interested in contributing on the .NET Zone as a writer, Zone Leader, or by writing some .NET-related RefCardz, please stop by the DZone booth next week. If you can’t make it to PDC, drop me a line, and I’ll be sure to get you in contact with the right people. The folks at DZone have been an invaluable resource to the Java community for some time, and they are committed to delivering that same kind of value to the .NET community.

Here are some of the places/sessions where you can find me next week. Track me down if you want to say hello, chat, etc… I will keep this post updated as things morph and solidify over the next couple of days.



  • 8:30AM-10:30AM – Keynote
  • 12:45PM-1:30PM – DZone Booth 1201 @ Partner Expo
  • 1:45PM-3:00PM – The Future of C# (Petree Hall CD)
  • 6:30PM-9:00PM – Partner Expo Reception




See you there!

(BTW – Is anyone else staying at Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza?)

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