Daily Bits – January 11, 2008

Sharing Types Between the Client and Server in WCF

AutoMockingContainer and ASP.NET MVC: Round 1

Competition vs. Innovation at Microsoft

Cool Video of TeamSpec and TeamLook Now Available

Adobe Photoshop Tutorials – Best Of

Best Type-Safe Session State Pattern. Evar. (via DotNetKicks)

Count the Interfaces…

SaphireSteel Releases New Ruby on Rails IDE Based on VS 2008 Shell

Is Rooting for Visual Basic Like Rooting for the Red Sox?

.NET Rocks! Podcast: Ken Levy on Visual Studio Extensibility (VSX)

Using Reflector to Search Through Code and Resolve .NET Issues (via Steve Pietrek)

Did You Know That Connection String Builders Will Parse Connection Strings, Not Just Create Them? (via Steve Pietrek)

Apply the New Vista APIs to Sidebar Gadgets, Part 2

Developer Grades: Where Do You Fall In? (via dzone)

CodeMash Hanselman IIS Talk (via DotNetSlackers)

Web Development Toolbelt (via dzone)

.NET Framework Goes Multicore (via dzone)

Video “Framework Engineering: Architecting, Designing, and Developing Reusable Libraries” Posted

CodeMash 2007 Wrapup – What Are You Working On?

The Enduring Art of Computer Programming


Book of the Day

