Daily Bits – January 18, 2008

Advanced CI: Integrating Web Applications (via Christopher Steen)

LINQ to Google (via Matt Hinze)

The Way Programming Should Be – Easy (via dzone)

Database Skills: A Sane Approach to Choosing Primary Keys (via Arjan’s World)

Register for the Triple Product Launch Event Near You Today (Several mid-west launch events are now open for registration)

The Majesty of the Mythical Man-Month (via Jason Haley)

.NET Framework Library Source Code Release (more info from Sam)

Hello World of Rhino Mocks (via DotNetKicks)

Wikipedia Goes Video

Moving to the Channel9 Team

Get Namespaces from an XML Document with XPathDocument and LINQ to XML (ScottHa)

WPF UI Automation Testing with MbUnit

Serializable Isolation Levels on Rows That Do Not Exist

Insert Wikipedia Link Plugin for WLW (via Steve Clayton)

Visual Studio 2008 New Multi-Threaded Debugging Feature (via DotNetKicks)

Measure Memory Consumption of Creating Object or Executing Functions in C# (via DotNetKicks)

MS MVC Rails Blocks Refactored (via Christopher Steen)

AgilePhilly Wiki


Book of the Day

