Dew Drop – June 12, 2009


I’ll be on vacation next week, so posts will be scattered about a bit. I’ll probably switch over to my smaller “Dew Droplet” post format as well.


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Silverlight / WPF


.NET / Visual Studio


Design / Methodology / Testing


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Book of the Day

Programming Entity Framework: Julia Lerman: Books

ISBN: 059652028X
ISBN-13: 9780596520281



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Dew Drop – June 11, 2009


Design / Methodology / Testing


.NET / Visual Studio


Web Development


Silverlight / WPF


Podcasts / Screencasts / Videos


Community / Events








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Book of the Day



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Checking Out PLINQO to Generate LINQ to SQL Code with CodeSmith


PLINQOI’ve just started taking a look at PLINQO to generate LINQ to SQL code for a sample project I’m working on. So far, I’m impressed. PLINQO looks really promising. If you’re using CodeSmith, you should definitely take a look at it. If you haven’t tried CodeSmith for code generation in .NET, you can get a free trial.

I’ll be posting the sample application when it’s complete.



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