Top Links
- Not Using Visual Studio 2015? (Eric Battalio)
- Coupling and Cohesion and the Death of Test-Driven (Dave Rael)
- Optimize for Tiny Victories (Scott Hanselman)
- jquery-ui datepicker with Aurelia and ES7 async/await with Aurelia (Jeremy Danyow)
Web Development
- Telltale Signs You Have a Bad Web Site (Chris Love)
- Animating Static Child Nodes Using ngAnimate In AngularJS and Is Using .bind() To Lock-In Arguments A “Code Smell” In ReactJS (Ben Nadel)
- Setting IHostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment as True in an ASP.NET 5 Application (Tugberk Ugurlu)
- JavaScript Messaging Patterns (Ed Charbeneau)
- An Intro to CSS Testing with SonarQube (David Racodon)
- Integrate Redis Into a Node.js Project (Mitch Pronschinske)
- Unit testing Node.js Applications using Mocha (Ravi Kiran)
- Unification Complete – Node.js & io.js Are Together as Node.js v4.0.0 + Running Multiple Node or io.js Versions (Andrew Connell)
- holes-arrays-es6 (Axel Rauschmayer)
- From JSON Web Token to Single Sign-On Part 1: Creating the Token (Basel Almustafa)
- Creating Material Design Ripple Effects with SVG (Dennis Gaebel)
- 10 Common Mistakes Web Developers Make (J. Michael Palermo IV)
- VSCode Documentation moves to GitHub and Updated Windows Installer For VS Code (Sean McBreen)
- Second MvvmCross 4 beta – MvvmCross – Official MvvmCross news and updates and MvvmCross 4.0-beta3 – MvvmCross – Official MvvmCross news and updates (Tomasz Cielecki & Martijn van Dijk)
- UWP: Publisher Cache (Sergiy Baydachnyy)
Miscellaneous .NET
- Critique this code: The memory mapped file (Oren Eini)
- Writing Build vNext tasks for Visual Studio Online (Jason Crease)
- Code Health Indicator – A must have visual studio extensions of all app developers (Abhijit Jana)
- #VS2015 – #Arduino IDE for Visual Studio 2015 #VisualMicro (Bruno Capuano)
- Microservices in C# Part 5: Autoscaling (Paul Mooney)
- Visual Studio Design Patterns add-in/extension (Decebal Mihailescu)
- Regular Expression Character Classes (Richard Carr)
- Akka.NET Dispatchers and User Interface Thread Access (Jason Roberts)
- Aspect ratio calculation (Jef Claes)
- SonicFileFinder 3.1 Beta (Jens Schaller)
- Windows Active Directory and NCover Code Central (Kerry Meade)
- NCover Code Coverage Integration with SonarQube (Russell Hinson)
Design / Methodology / Testing
- Agile Retrospectives Books Bundle (Ben Linders)
- Scrum + Kanban = Scrumban (Jayashree Kulkarni)
- Sagas, State Machines, and Abandoned Carts (Chris Patterson)
- Getting Started With Microservices (Arun Gupta)
- How I Use Git On Windows – Remote Repositories (Jesse Taber)
- Design Tips for Material Design (Sven Lenaerts)
Other Mobile Platforms
- A Swift Node Based User Interface Component for iOS and Android Push Notification Using Parse.Com (James Sugrue)
- Simplify Android Development Using manifoldJS With Crosswalk (Jeff Burtoft)
- Backgrounding with Xamarin.Forms (Rob Gibbens)
- Your First tvOS Application with Telerik UI for iOS (Tsvetan Raikov)
- Making a Smart Bracelet using Custom BTLE GATT Services, Arduino, and Windows IoT Core (Carey Payette)
- Using an Azure Service bus queue for two-way (IoT) communication (Joost van Schaik)
- An Introduction To Raspberry PI (Sumit Joshi)
Podcasts / Screencasts / Videos
- Simple Programmer Podcast 053: Still in Iceland – Simple Programmer European Tour 2015 (John Sonmez)
- Thimbleweed Park Podcast #21 (Ron Gilbert)
- Xamarin Podcast – Xamarin Insights with James and Mike (Mike James & James Montemagno)
- TWC9: Surface Enterprise, Office on iPad Pro, VP9 on Edge and more… | This Week On Channel 9 (Greg Duncan, Larry Lieberman & Vladimir Kolesnikov)
- SE-Radio Episode 238: Linda Rising on the Agile Brain (Johannes Thönes)
- add-wendy | Uncle Bob on Quality, Ethics and Chickens (Wendy Closson)
- The Nerdist Podcast – Tobey Maguire and Ed Zwick (Chris Hardwick)
- MS Dev Show – Sketchnotes with Mike Rohde (Jason Young & Carl Schweitzer)
- The Changelog 173: Turing-Incomplete (Adam Stacoviak & Jerod Santo)
- The Married Gamers Episode 375: Classmating (Chris Brown)
- Get Up And Code 108: Fitness Fads and Scams (John Sonmez & Iris Classon)
- Radio TFS – Git Bye Summer (Martin Woodward & Greg Duncan)
- Building the Viral Site “Twins or Not” with Mat Velloso (Scott Hanselman)
- Rocket 35: The Gorilla Arm Problem (Simone De Rochefort, Brianna Wu & Christina Warren)
- SSW TV – The story of Octopus Deploy | Paul Stovell at DDD Melbourne 2015 (SSW Team)
- One Month of Live Coding! (James Montemagno)
- StarTalk Radio – StarTalk Live! Parasites and Poisons at The Bell House (Neil de Grasse Tyson)
- Developer on Fire Podcast – Michael “Doc” Norton – Customer Value and Great Organizations and Developer on Fire Podcast – Michael Crump – Family First With Passion for Tech (Dave Rael)
Community / Events
- Syncfusion Webinar Highlights Xamarin (Darren West)
- Interview with Adam Granicz on WebSharper 3 (Pierre-Luc Maheu)
- Microsoft’s new identity chief: Windows vet David Treadwell (Mary Jo Foley)
- .NET Inspiration (Vicky)
- SQL Server transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements (Sergey Gigoyan)
- Performing Your Own SQL Server Triage (Brent Ozar)
- SQL SERVER – Who Dropped Table or Database? and Interview Question of the Week #036 – What is the difference between @@DATEFIRST and SET DATEFIRST? (Pinal Dave)
- How to Avoid Conditional JOINs in T-SQL (Dwain Camps)
- A Programmer’s Guide to Managing Stress (Daragh Byrne)
- The C runtime library cannot be mixed and matched (Raymond Chen)
More Link Collections
- Double Shot #1552 (Mike Gunderloy)
- Reading Notes #201 (Frank Boucher)
- Collective #185 (Pedro Botelho)
- Geek Reading September 11, 2015 (Robert Diana)
- The Daily Six Pack: September 14, 2015 (Dirk Strauss)
- Last Week on Channel 9: September 7th – September 12th, 2015 (Greg Duncan)
- Xamarin App Developer Links – 2015-09-14 and Windows App Developer Links – 2015-09-14 (Dan Rigby)
- Reading List (Bruce Lawson)
- Weekly Xamarin Newsletter Issue #57 (Adam J Wolf)
- F# Weekly #37, 2015 (Sergey Tihon)
The Geek Shelf
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