Daily Bits – January 8, 2008

Lengthy list today… must be CES.

Guinness Book of Videogame Records Coming in February

Returning an Anonymous Type

Xbox Live to Twitter Update (v0.2.3)

Drag and Drop with ASP.NET AJAX (via Public Sector Developer Weblog)

My Team’s Developer Creedo

SQL Puzzle 9 (Matching DateTime) (via DotNetSlackers)

Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack Beta (MS Download) (documentation here)

Fun with Headlins, CES 2008 Special Edition (Paul Thurrott)

FAQ: Which Code Analysis Rules Shipped in Which Version

What Should Developers Know About Windows Server 2008?

Hiding Code From ReSharper

C# Futures, Diminishing Returns, and the Scala Parachute

Taser Unveils Holster with Music Player (Don’t tase me while you listen to Britney, bro!)

To Add or To Create

A Command-Line Interface Base Class (via DotNetKicks)

Extending the String Object in C# (some extension method ideas) (via DotNetKicks)

Tip: Overriding Core Object Methods (via Arjan’s World)

On Resume, Error (resumé tips) (via Arjan’s World)

Random Producing Same Values (via Arjan’s World)

Inheritance and Extension Methods (via Arjan’s World)

Ruby on Rails IDE Geared to Visual Studio 2008 Users (via WinBeta)

Bill Gates Explains the Difference Between Microsoft and Apple

Differentiated User Experience (UX) (via Christopher Steen)

Microsoft Health Common User Interface Toolkit v1.2.68.000 (new release on Codeplex)

On Blogging

Dynamic LINQ (Part 1: Using the LINQ Dynamic Query Library) (ScottGu)

DirecTV’s PC Tuner is Real

Pastor Targets Microsoft Gay-Rights Policy (some people have too much time on their hands)

Hacking Your Xbox 360 Fan (if you want to void your warranty, or your warranty has expired)


Book of the Day


Daily Bits – January 7, 2008

Make an Existing Project a Volta Project (via DotNetSlackers)

Leak Tracking with PowerShell (via Steve Pietrek)

Source Code for “10 Reasons You Should Consider WPF for Your Next Desktop Application”

Windows Home Server Power Pack 1

The Magpie Developer

Spiking Around Notification, and Generics Part I

Starry Night Bed Lacking Only a Toilet ($50K for a bed?? Yikes!)


Book of the Day


Daily Bits – January 6, 2008

Refactoring C# with PowerShell (via Jason Haley)

New Year’s Resolution: PowerShell (via Jason Haley)

Visual Studio Extensibility White Paper

The Annotated Turing

New “How Do I?” Videos for Team Suite

How We Work in the Patterns & Practices Client Program

Rambling on the ‘sealed’ Keyword

GhostDoc 2.1.3 Released (via DotNetSlackers)

Read to Lead: How to Digest Books Above Your “Level” (via Lifehacker)

