C# + ReSharper = Awesome: Tip #5 – Replace Constructor with Factory Method

This is the fifth in a series of quick how-to articles on ReSharper.

Tip #5 – Replace Constructor with Factory Method

Use: If an application must control how or when new instances of classes are created, a factory method can achieve this. ReSharper makes it simple to wrap a constructor with a static factory method.

   1:      public class Car
   2:      {
   3:          private IList<IPart> _parts;
   5:           public Car(IList<IPart> parts)
   6:           {
   7:               _parts = parts;
   8:           }
   9:      }
Right-click the constructor


Name your method or accept the default


   1:      public class Car
   2:      {
   3:          public static Car CreateCar(IList<IPart> parts)
   4:          {
   5:              return new Car(parts);
   6:          }
   8:          private IList<IPart> _parts;
  10:          private Car(IList<IPart> parts)
  11:           {
  12:               _parts = parts;
  13:           }
  14:      }


Happy coding!


C# + ReSharper = Awesome: Tip #4 – Convert Abstract Class to Interface

This is the fourth in a series of quick how-to articles on ReSharper.

Tip #4 – Convert Abstract Class to Interface

Use: This is used when the class(es) that will be inheriting from a base class also need to inherit from another base class. Derived types can inherit from only one base class but can implement multiple interfaces.

   1:      public abstract class Book
   2:      {
   3:          public abstract string Title { get; set; }
   5:          public abstract string Year { get; set; }
   7:          public abstract string Author { get; set; }
   9:          public abstract void Lend();
  11:          public abstract void AddToInventory();
  12:      }
Right-click the class


   1:      public interface Book
   2:      {
   3:          string Title { get; set; }
   4:          string Year { get; set; }
   5:          string Author { get; set; }
   6:          void Lend();
   7:          void AddToInventory();
   8:      }

Note: Notice that this refactoring does not change the name of the type. At this point, there will be a squiggly line under the interface’s name, Book. Placing the cursor on Book and pressing <Alt+Enter> will prompt ReSharper to rename it to IBook.


Happy coding!


C# + ReSharper = Awesome: Tip #3 – Convert Into LINQ Expression

This is the third in a series of quick how-to articles on Resharper.

Tip #3 – Convert Into LINQ Expression

Use: ForEach blocks that perform simple bits of logic can often times be rewritten as lambda expressions. This reduces the number of lines of code and usually makes the code more readable.

         public IList<Album> FindAlbumsToGiveAway(IList<Album> albums)
             var badAlbums = new List<Album>();

             foreach (Album album in albums)
                 if (album.Genre == "Country")

             return badAlbums;
Press <Alt+Enter>


         public IList<Album> FindAlbumsToGiveAway(IList<Album> albums)
             return albums.Where(album => album.Genre == "Country").ToList();

Happy coding!


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