Dew Drop – November 26, 2018 (#2846)

It’s an extra large, post-vacation edition of the Dew today. Categorization is a bit limited due to volume. We’ll be back to normal posts tomorrow.

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Web & Cloud Development

XAML, UWP & Xamarin

Visual Studio & .NET

Design, Methodology & Testing

Mobile, IoT & Game Development

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Blazor 0.7.0 experimental release now available (Daniel Roth)

Git Tip: Link a Local Project to a Hosted Repository (Jason Gaylord)

AutoMapper 8.0.0 Released (Jimmy Bogard)

If you want to understand Silicon Valley, watch Silicon Valley (Bill Gates)

Developing Samsung TV Apps with .NET – Getting Started (Jason Roberts)

Pivotal Act—Transforming how all of the World Builds Software (Ellie Ereira & Ally Blenkin)

Advanced Installer 15.5 and Package Support Framework (Advanced Installer Team)

Part I: Validation Controls using Blazor – Basic Validation Controls (Hisham Bin Ateya)

Incrementally Moving to Continuous Integration and Trunk Based Development (Kevin Logan)

Using Spy++ to Obtain Winform Control TreeView (Jason Gaylord)

Introducing the Chocolatey VS Code Extension ()

New! Trello Personal app available in Microsoft Teams (Amit Oberoi)

Generating .editorconfig files automatically using IntelliCode (Andrew Lock)

Wear OS by Google: final API 28 emulator with new redesigned UI (Android Dev Team)

Avoiding Digital Product Shipwreck: The UX Iceberg (Bailey Lewis)

The Human Side of Microservices and Code Reviews in Practice (Ben Linders)

Opening Microsoft Excel files with TX Text Control X16 (Bjoern Meyer)

Announcing the General Availability of App Center Diagnostics (Blanca Delgado Parra)

.NET Core 3 Breaking Changes – Build 9754 (Brian Lagunas)

Rocket 201: Christina’s Wallet Strikes Back and Rocket 202: Christina’s Makes a Good Buying Decision (Brianna Wu, Christina Warren & Simone De Rochefort)

Genesis Episode: This is Block Talk | Block Talk (Cameron Tomisser)

Introducing Chartify: Easier chart creation in Python for data scientists (Chris Halpert)

Renaming projects the easy way – new refactoring in Rider 2018.3 (Chris Woodruff)

We Are Thankful For These Benefits of Working Remote (clayton)

Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 18282 available now! (Clint Rutkas)

Microsoft Bot Framework v4 Node #6: Creating a Knowledge Base with LUDown and QnA Maker and Microsoft Bot Framework v4 Node #7: Creating a LUIS Service with LUDown and the CLI (Michael Szul)

How to Choose the Right .NET Collection Class? (Damir Arh)

Announcing TypeScript 3.2 RC (Daniel Rosenwasser)

Blasting Off With Blazor: Part 1, Introduction (Dave Brock)

A Deep Dive Into Transform Widgets in Flutter (Deven Joshi)

Dart 2.1 Brings New Language Features, Better Usability and More (Diogo Carleto)

This week in Tech – Friday, Nov 16, 2018 and Today in Tech – Monday, Nov 26, 2018 (Dirk Strauss)

All Things Git Podcast – Learning a New Codebase with Patricia Aas (Edward Thomson & Martin Woodward)

Get a Free Copy of Our Game Design Notebook (Emily Esposito Fulkerson)

Private Mode Browsers (Eric Lawrence)

Adventures In Foreign Keys 4: How Should I Index These Things? (Erik Darling)

Self Documenting Code vs. Comments? Turns Out It’s Both or Neither (Erik Dietrich)

FreeCodeFriday – Episode26 (Jason Bock)

Who Is in Charge of Developing a DevOps Culture? (Jennifer Riggins)

Controlling an IoT device from your phone (Jim Bennett)

Kubernetes Ingress Controllers and Certificates: The Walkthrough (Jessica Deen)

15%? (John Cutler)

Do NOT Measure Developers — Measure Projects (John Lafleur)

Article: Stateful Service Design Considerations for the Kubernetes Stack (Jonas Bonér)

SSMS 18.0 Public Preview 5 Released (kartie)

Explore The Bourse Food Hall, Philadelphia’s Buzzy New Dining Destination (Kelly Bucci)

Typescript inheritance deep dive (Kevin Kreuzer)

Introducing Emoji8 and Getting Started with Windows Machine Learning (Killian McCoy)

Rather Than a Micromanager or Absentee Manager, Be a Thought Partner (Kim Scott)

Geek of the Week: From software developer to urban developer, Liz Dunn rethinks Seattle spaces (Kurt Schlosser)

Running with Server GC in a Small Container Scenario Part 0 (Maoni Stephens)

DevOps for Blockchain Apps (Marc Mercuri)

Official support for Windows 10 on ARM development (Marc Sweetgall)

Flutter: from Mobile to Desktop (Marcelo Henrique Neppel)

BMI Calculator in Flutter — Part 7— Animated transition (Marcin Szałek)

Functional architecture: a definition (Mark Seemann)

Google hosting Flutter Live on Dec 4 for updates on new way to build mobile apps (Martin Aguinis)

The 4 capabilities you need to introduce true database DevOps (Matt Hilbert)

Talk Python to Me #186 – 100 Days of Python in a Magical Universe (Michael Kennedy)

Bot Framework: Chatbot Activities (Michael Szul)

.NET today and tomorrow (Mike Harsh & Scott Hunter)

The Shifting Nature of CI/CD in the Age of Cloud Native Computing (Mike Melanson)

Flutter: Animations Tutorial in Flutter || Ep 1 (MTechViral)

Keeping you updated on Windows Hello (Nadya Amirchoupani)

How to Read the RxJS 6 Sources Part 1: Understanding of() and Subscriptions (Nate Lapinski)

Making the Case for DevOps (Nick Hyatt)

Diversity in tech is about more than gender (Matt Lacey)

Octopus Cloud: Now with Static IPs (Octopus Deploy)

The New 2018 MacBook Air – What The Tech Ep. 418 (Paul Thurrott)

Announcing the Latest Apigee Edge Installer for PCF (Prithpal Rajesh)

Windows Command-Line: Unicode and UTF-8 Output Text Buffer (Rich Turner)

What I Have Learned as the NativeScript Product Manager (Rob Lauer)

Node v11.2.0 (Current) (Ruben Bridgewater)

Hanselmintes – Moving companies to Open Source with the Head of Comcast’s Open Source Office Nithya Ruff and Hanselminutes – PlayFab’s complete backend platform for live games with Dr. Hanna Oh Descher (Scott Hanselman)

How to build a Wall Mounted Family Calendar and Dashboard with a Raspberry Pi and cheap monitor and Upgrading the DakBoard Family Calendar with Raspberry Pi Zero W and Read Only filesystem (Scott Hanselman)

Weekend Project: Building a GPS tracker for my car (Scott Helme)

EF Core Migrations in ASP .NET Core (Shahed C.)

Merge Conflict 124: All In On .NET Standard 2.1 and Merge Conflict 125: Getting Fancy With Bluetooth Low Energy (James Montemagno)

Announcing General Availability of the Windows Compatibility Module 1.0.0 (Steve Lee)

Learn How to Use Vuex by Building an Online Shopping Website (Sunil Sandhu)

Six Git Commands Beginners NEED To Know (Thomas Rayner)

What are cloud native technologies (#kubernetes, #prometheus etc.) and why should I care? (Vishwas Lele)

Q# Advent Calendar 2018 (Visual Studio Blog)

Why do we need Q#? (Visual Studio Blog)

Learn Quantum Computing with the Quantum Katas (Visual Studio Blog)

First Look at Radzen Application Builder For Server Side Blazor 0.70 (Michael Washington)

Meet the Developer: Introducing Zsolt “Keep It Simple” Nagy and Meet the Developer: Introducing Ted “Be Straight With Me” Neward (Yolanda Fintschenko)

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Dew Drop – November 14, 2018 (#2844)

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XAML, UWP & Xamarin

Visual Studio & .NET

Design, Methodology & Testing

Mobile, IoT & Game Development

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Progressive Web Application Development by Example: Develop fast, reliable, and engaging user experiences for the web (Chris Love)

Dew Drop – October 9, 2018 (#2819)

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Web & Cloud Development

XAML, UWP & Xamarin

Visual Studio & .NET

Design, Methodology & Testing

Mobile, IoT & Game Development

Podcasts, Screencasts & Videos

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