My Session at TechBash 2023 Next Month: How to Become a Microsoft Learn Contributor

Time is running out to register for TechBash 2023. Friday, October 13th is the final day for two key items:

  • Standard Registration ends – ticket prices increase by $100 on Saturday.
  • TechBash room block at the Kalahari Resort ends, along with our $179/night rate. Regular room rates will apply beginning Saturday, Oct 14th.

You can save even more by using the EventBrite 10% off code, DOTNET10, in honor of .NET Conf and the .NET 8 release, which are coming up the week following TechBash.

This year, I’ll be presenting at TechBash for the first time. I’m excited to step out from behind the registration booth. My session is titled Share, Learn, and Grow: How to Become a Microsoft Learn Contributor. Here is an abbreviated description of the session:

Do you want to be part of one of the largest open-source projects in the world and help millions of learners achieve their goals? Do you want to learn how the Skilling teams at Microsoft are creating relevant and up-to-date content on Microsoft Learn? If so, then this session is for you!

In this session, you will learn how to use GitHub to contribute to the Microsoft Learn documentation. GitHub is a platform that allows you to collaborate with other developers and share your code and content with the world. You will learn how to:

  • Use the Documentation as Code approach to write, edit, and publish your content in GitHub.
  • Explore the open-source repositories of Microsoft Learn and see how you can contribute to them.
  • Follow the GitHub workflow to create, review, and merge your changes.
  • Use GitHub issues and PRs to communicate with the Microsoft Learn team and get feedback on your contributions.
  • Apply the Microsoft Learn tips and tricks to create engaging and effective content for your audience.
  • Use the Markdown tooling for Learn to format your content and add interactive features.

I hope you’ll join me there and attend my session on Friday, November 10th!

Dew Drop – October 11, 2023 (#4044)

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Dew Drop – October 10, 2023 (#4043)

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