Dew Drop – April 1, 2008

I’ll spare everyone the April Fool’s Day pranks. I was considering posting all Java/Flash/Linux links, but decided to spare you.




Mike Snow Gets His Own Silverlight Section




Visual Studio


Web Development




SQL Server




Link Collections


Book of the Day


Printing on Paper – Don’t Do It, Man!

Over the weekend, my friend and former co-worker, Matt Walker, blogged about the ‘need’ to print documents on paper. I couldn’t agree more, and wanted to add a couple of points to the discussion.

For anyone who has issues reading from an LCD or CRT for long periods of time, you can pick up a Sony Reader or Amazon Kindle. Sony’s device will display .doc, .rtf, .pdf, and .txt files out of the box. PDFs can be a little hard to read on the device because of how they are scaled, but there are 3rd party tools out there to convert PDF to RTF.

Matt talks about a free tool to print to PDF files. Another e-printing option built into Windows Vista is the “Microsoft XPS Document Writer” printer. You can create a portable document without installing any 3rd party tools. This option is for anyone who exclusively uses systems that can read the .xps format.


Peace out!


Dew Drop – March 31, 2008










SQL Server




Link Collections


Book of the Day

